How to build YOUR perfect business in 30 days before you’re ready.

The perfect time to build your business doesn’t exist. Start now and I’ll help you have a business in 30 days.
In January 2019 my father fired me, my wife and my brother from the family business after 19 years. Overnight we had no income, and a 4 year old to look after. He then sued us, reported us to the police and tried to get us thrown in jail. We had to flee our house at midnight to avoid being arrested by corrupt police.
During this traumatic time, I had very few options, very little savings and time wasn’t on our side. Never mind the stress. So I did what I knew best.
I built a business. By April we had our first retail outlets. We were doing sales calls in between lawyers meetings and court dates. It wasn’t a matter of “I’ve always wanted to run my own business” so I was doing it for fun. It was my only option.
It wasn’t easy. I knew very little about retail. I hadn’t sold low price items before. It was an unknown brand. And I didn’t have any mentors to guide me.
I’ll be honest, it’s not the best environment to build a business. But action overcame doubt. Just doing things opened up opportunities. A chance encounter led to our first distributor. One store owner actually owned 5 stores and listed us at them all. We met other sales reps on the road who gave us advice and invited us to trade shows. If we hadn’t been out there, none of it would have happened.
18 months later our little business had 150 outlets, had sold 120 000 units and got acquired.
You have no excuses. There is no perfect time to start your business. So start now. If I can do it, you can. Let me help you take the shortest route to your ideal business. And you won’t have to do it alone. I’ll be your business partner and mentor for the day.
My first business was when I was 13. I’ve made stationery, sold computers, sold fire suppression systems, been a health consultant, made supplements, sold franchises, installed security systems, ran web development teams, sold hangover cures, sold organic skincare and even chocolates.
And in all that time, I’ve made mistakes, had failures, been let down by contractors, had to deal with irate customers and useless employees. And now I’m sharing all the things I’ve learned to help you avoid mistakes, keep motivated , keep accountable and get to your ideal business as fast as possible.
My ideal business gets you income, but frees up time. I call it being a LAZY entrepreneur. If you are stuck working 18 hours a day in your business, you have a job, not a business. This is especially important since my wife passed away, and I have two small boys to look after. I’m applying everything I’ve learned to free up my time while earning a living.
When you start being a LAZY entrepreneur, you make money in less time. You free up time to do more of what you want, and you live life as you are supposed to.
‘I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.’ – Bill Gates
But my objective has never wavered. Free time. Working hard is fine, but without time to spend with people you want to, it just wasn’t worth it. And so I’ve travelled overseas for a month at a time, while the business kept running. I play golf. I quit work at lunch on Fridays to spend time with friends, or make new friends. I am currently proving it again with my new company Great Shakes.
And I want you to do the same.
Join the LAZY movement. More fun, less work.